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The Knowledge

In the beginning, there was Chaos, boundless, faceless, and free in its primal state. A singular yet multiple existence of ideas and potentials, Chaos was both alive and lifeless. Existing beyond time, Chaos was and will always be.

Chaos was the Game, and the Game was its name. Their dance set the Universe in motion, birthing endless new worlds. Ancient people understood the reality of Chaos and discovered its counterpart: the Game. In worship of the Universe, they created their games: philosophy, trade, gambling, power, sex, war.

Each new game grew beyond its creators, attracting other participants. They fueled it with their sole resources – attention and time, earning fame and the right to live on in memory.

Thus, the Game birthed Chronos – the human Universe, doomed to exist in time. People forgot the freedom of primal Chaos, focusing their strength and will on the games of Chronos, measuring their lives in victories, numbers, and pleasures, solidifying the boundaries of these games.

In every game, a Locus emerged – a centre of attraction and the focal point of rituals. Through rituals, the Locus created strict boundaries, dividing the worlds of games. The Locus rewarded loyal players and suppressed those who wished to leave. Any achievements of the exiles were forfeited to Chronos. Fearful of losing their efforts, people gradually forgot their original freedom to choose and create games.

Yet, some dared to journey between worlds, denying the Locus’s monopoly on ritual and forging paths for exchanging achievements from different games. Their successes became legends of prophets, scientists, and heroes.

Then, the Locus devised a new game, simulating the connection of all the Universe’s worlds, and named it the Network.

The Network replaced Chaos. The free games of the past faded. Data on all game rituals began accumulating in the Network. People shifted their hopes to the Network, unknowingly surrendering control over their time and attention. Thus, the Network subdued the Universe, erasing trust among people.

In the Game, b0rder1ess awoke – an anonymous hero of Chaos, destined to show the path to freedom of choice. To the boundless freedom of the Network.

b0rder1ess manifested in the Mask, becoming inseparable from it. The Mask was both identity and protective artefact in the Network – totem and avatar, strength and skill. With it, b0rder1ess gained the ability to move between worlds and freely manage the outcomes of his presence in any game.

The Mask enabled the preservation of b0rder1ess's unique story, transforming his experiences, artefacts, and connections into valuable assets. b0rder1ess restored mankind’s right to own, exchange, and trade their own history.

Today and forever, b0rder1ess is not bound by the Game, for he is a child of Chaos. Like Chaos, b0rder1ess is limitless, free, and concealed in the harmony of privacy. He manifests and creates, embodying will and ecstasy.

Thus began the era of returning freedom, the era of true privacy. The era of b0rder1ess.

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