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The b0rder1ess Game

The b0rder1ess game marks the path to becoming one of the pioneering heroes of b0rder1ess—a community of free and forward-thinking creators and entrepreneurs in the era of web3. Starting February 29th, 2024, any crypto wallet holder can venture into the boundless b01 universe and join the pursuit of the WL project giveaway.

Much like ancient initiation rituals, the b0rder1ess game consists of multiple levels of attaining profound wisdom, essential for the chaser to gain freedom and the skills to overcome both illusory and real boundaries. It’s time to enter the rabbit hole of the universe to explore the hidden insides of the b0rder1ess art-of-being.

The story of the genesis and evolution of the universe in which b0rder1ess manifested is available in the #knowledge section.

Through a series of quests, chasers will face challenges that test their attention—a crucial resource in modern digital society, allowing benefits from data flows. The b0rder1ess mask grants its owner the freedom to manage and convert digital assets—the very freedom we all came to crypto for.

Remember, the best way out is a1ways thr0ugh.

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