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Episode 1.0: The Elementary Phase

In the beginning, there was Chaos—boundless, faceless, and free in its primal state. Episode 1.0 introduces participants to the journey of the Universe's genesis from primordial Chaos, where the endless dance of elemental forces gave birth to myriad realms of human games: trade, gamble, power, sex, battle, and more. Their inception occurred within Chronos—the eternal tunnel of time, through which the player will dive into the universe.

Modern reality is divided by the boundaries of Locuses—centers of attraction and focal points of rituals in individual gaming worlds. Each world strives to attract as much attention as possible to exploit the passions of the participants. Which gaming world's call will entice the guest of the b01 universe? What entrance to the quest space will they choose?

Understanding the boundaries of the surrounding world is the first step on the path to b0rder1ess freedom. Like a student beginning to grasp that the world around them is more complex than it seems, b0rder1ess chasers must find the key to overcome the influence of passions that empower the Locus.

See you on the other side…

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